Thanks to Amanda Earl for publishing so many of my early experiments in the flawless Experiment-O, Issue 14. CONCLUSION: Download it! Or visit: LINK
My poem "Repairing the Artifact" was read on a podcast for Veterans Day. CONCLUSION: Have a listen.
Thanks to Elliot C. Williams for the WAMU radio spot chatting about Veterans Day. CONCLUSION: Have a Listen! #niallmunro #oxfordbrookespoetrycentre
DETAILS: Dr. Niall Munro, Director of Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre, posted a video discussing his work to commemorate war. Part of the work Dr. Munro considers are the Post War conversations we have as a society. Niall and I have discussed these topics in workshops and also through a podcast interview. Use the search bar to see more from this future-thinker. |
Welcome to my literature, music, and visual poetry project. My blog represents a method for deciphering the fragments left behind in the Anthropocene. Writers use ashes as a metaphorical device in storytelling. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism of ashes? Archaeological fragments of tablet, papyrus, bone, scroll, and pottery are recognizable the world over. In our digital era, however, our lost folkloric works disintegrate into dust. In this sense, I consume the silver flakes and use my he{art] as a vessel to rise from dystopic wastelands. I share lore through the oral tradition. Ashes to Ashes we continue on ∞ to infinity ∞ We are ash. We are stories. We are star dust. We are eternal.
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February 2025