"Lovesong for a duplicating device" is a masterpiece. A compromise between editor, publisher, and author is the best way to describe the process. CONCLUSION: If you aren't following the work of Sal, please do not delay. Follow Paperview Books and watch the video. #ashpoetry Thanks to Anthony Etherin and Clara Daneri for their tireless efforts to put together such a colossal hardback anthology loaded with art created by my favorite artists. Inside, there are 6 pieces of ash poetry which I created to provide a glimpse into the era we find ourselves: war, disease, political corruption, scandals, resource scarcity and more. Each of my ash poetry visual poems are made from text I wrote. Each word of text torn and burnt on all four edges to resemble religious scrolls. CONCLUSION: Purchase your copy: LINK Full Colour, Hardback, 210 x 148mm, 200pp #astrapapachristodoulou Her debut collection is a stunner and available with Guillemot Press. Get your copy today. CONCLUSION: Purchase: LINK Astra Papachristodoulou’s debut poetry collection Constellations is a sequence of 88 visual poems with games based on the 88 recognized astronomical constellations. Using collaged and found texts the artist weaves phrases and fragments through the stars, creating new patterns and ambiguities while inviting the reader to join in. #paperviewbooks
Featuring Booka by: Alex Kinova, André Lemos, Andrew Kuykendall, billy mavreas, Calin Kruse, Carlos Martins, carolina sepulveda, chris warren, christian bok, dave read, derek beaulieu, eric schmaltz, fatima queiroz, fernando aguiar, Francisca Sousa, franco cortese, fred free, gary barwin, grant evans, j g orudjev, j orange, james knight, jay snodgrass, joana moher, João Bacelar, João Diogo, joe devlin, justin kloster, kate siklosi, Kid Richards, laura kerr, leonor ribeiro, m p pratheesh, Maike Bispo, marco giovenale, Marco Gomes, mark wynne, marquesa do sabre, merlina acevedo, morphic rooms, Nico Vassilakis, Nicolas Le Forestier, Nuno Brito, paul prudence, reb livingston, rémi forte, rhys trimble, Richard Guaty, roberto almeida, rodrigo flores herrasti, Roeg Cohen, s cearley, sacha archer, Sal Nunkachov, toni hearn, and tvacollage. CONCLUSION: Debut Vispo News Coming Soon! #thelastvispo Edited by Nico Vassilakis and Craig Hill, this compilation is a must-have anthology. CONCLUSION: YouTube By andrew topel, cecil touchon, christian bök, crag hill, derek beaulieu, fernando aguiar, gary barwin, marco giovenale, and nico vassilakis #writerskingston
You'll recognize some of these fab spoken word poets/writers from the release of THE BOOK OF PENTERACT. 4 poets: Chris Kerr, Susie Campbell, and Teo Eve present pieces. Director Steven J. Fowler films the group at Kingston University's Town House Building: Courtyard Venue. CONCLUSION: Be sure to follow: Writers' Kingston and YouTube channel. #penteractpress The Book of Penteract is nearly ready to meet the world. Check out the teaser. CONCLUSION: Link Pre-Order! All purchases will be sent on or before the official publication date, 26/03/2022*** #cecilialevy Paper objects are my sweet spot. This artist is hitting all the right flavors. CONCLUSION: Check out website: LINK Cecilia Levy creates sculptural objects in paper, using old book pages, wheat starch paste and papier mach #grandpakelley
A loss for my family. This blog post represents loss and life. This image is of my grandfather swaddled. His Grandfather (right side with cigar) was part of Sherman's March to the Sea. And so I will take time to process this news of his passing. CONCLUSION: Although war is in Europe ... I take comfort in this image. Ukrainian violinist Illia Bondarenko filmed himself in a basement shelter in Kyiv. He's playing an old Ukrainian folk song called Verbovaya Doschechka (arranged by Illia Bondarenko). He was contacted by violinist Kerenza Peacock who reached out to 94 violinists in 29 countries to accompany him in harmony." #newexhibition
Takoma Park has once again provided space to display artworks by veterans at their community center. If you are in the area, be sure to check it out. On view until April 20: LINK CONCLUSION: Address: Takoma Park Community Center 7500 Maple Avenue #exhibition
In honor of Women's History Month, Dulles International extended the Uniting US art exhibition space. CONCLUSION: More news to follow. #warpoetry The origins of the visual poem RAGE are told through checking out the Oxford Brookes veterans' poetry workshop which I attended 2 years ago today. A true war poem doesn't apologize. If you would like information on the entire anthology and all the poetry inside, please click the links provided. CONCLUSION: Link to Workshops: Veterans' Poetry Workshops Link to podcast with Niall Munro: Interview with Maggs Vibo. Link to BFBS radio story: How Poetry Is Helping Explore What It Is Really Like To Be A Veteran. Link to anthology: 'My teeth don't chew on shrapnel': an anthology of poetry by military veterans. I built from the letter R the peak of a volcano and the letters spelling AGE to flesh out the crater. The pressure builds and the lava spews out using colored pencils in various shades of black, brown, red to carve into the paper the word rage in all caps and a spewing ash cloud made from torn paper burned around the edges.
Supported this important event. Won a prize CONCLUSION: War in Europe
Mail-it-flies! That is the theme of this post. Yes, you will pay a bit more in shipping, but what a treat to look forward to opening that box and supporting small press and publishers/artists/editors making beautiful artifacts. CONCLUSION: Support a local bookstore or library when you can, but otherwise...ship it. #annamalina
Anna's art is mesmerizing, humorous, dark, and beautifully terrifying. CONCLUSION: Follow the artist's website: LINK |
Welcome to my literature, music, and visual poetry project. My blog represents a method for deciphering the fragments left behind in the Anthropocene. Writers use ashes as a metaphorical device in storytelling. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism of ashes? Archaeological fragments of tablet, papyrus, bone, scroll, and pottery are recognizable the world over. In our digital era, however, our lost folkloric works disintegrate into dust. In this sense, I consume the silver flakes and use my he{art] as a vessel to rise from dystopic wastelands. I share lore through the oral tradition. Ashes to Ashes we continue on ∞ to infinity ∞ We are ash. We are stories. We are star dust. We are eternal.
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February 2025