#digitalart Q: What happens when an artist and a mathematician (turned computer scientist) combine their skills? Answer: Innovation. CONCLUSION: Visit: GRASS; Series II by Colette and Charles J. Bangert: LINK As the so-called “renaissance” of computer art began in the 1970s, artists and critics became more optimistic about the medium and its ability to unite scientific and cultural learning in order to break out of a normative paradigm; the Bangerts were a part of this movement, and the couple saw the computer as ushering in a new “visual age”. Computers could help by offering new ideas and enriching artistic practice; using a computer and plotter could extend the artist’s physical body to enable production of new and interesting designs. At the same time, as Colette wrote, “without conscious understanding of what a drawing is we could not use the computer as a drawing medium…We ask this new medium questions and get new (and old) answers. But some of the answers were there from the beginning…” The Bangerts’ work thus explores the act of creation, regardless of medium, by utilizing the computer to push the boundaries of praxis."
#poematlas #astrapapachristodoulou
What is there to say about Astra Papachristodoulou, that hasn't already been said? Just that she is also a lovely human being on top of being one of the most gifted artists ever. It's honestly challenging to say what her "latest" project is because there's never a pause... it just continues. She acknowledges some of the contributors of Poem Atlas in the UK/online gallery exhibitions. I am listed and cannot explain what a privilege and honor it is to be included in any conversation regarding visual/object/experimental poetry, but especially alongside these immensely talented artists. Auditioning for Poem Atlas is available at the National Poetry Library catalogue and here: PURCHASE CONCLUSION: If you need inspiration or haven't researched object poetry, please visit the website: POEM ATLAS
BZ to author Jerri Bell and Tracy Crow for a huge milestone. This timeline shows: a book written in 2015, published in 2017, discussed in 2018 and beyond. This book is an important historical artifact which needs a large audience. The process just needs some dedicated leadership and today it happened. In his recommended reading, sent out to Team Fort Lee, the CASCOM CG sent a list which includes: It's My Country Too: Women's Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan, Edited by Jerri Bell and Tracy Crow with Forward by Kayla WIlliams, published by Potomac Books, an Imprint of University of Nebraska Press. It's great to see book titles edited by women veterans and shared with military service personnel currently serving. Representation matters and I am so pleased this list exists. CONCLUSION: Special Thanks to MG Mark Simerly, Commanding General of the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), the Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCOE), and Fort Lee, VA. *More of this, please! #steelincisors #jamesknight #badbadpoet #birdking
Congrats to Author and Editor James Knight of Steel Incisors Publishing and to all the contributors for now having a seat inside the National Poetry Library. What a wonderful thing to have happen to a visual poetry book with experimental pieces inside. CONCLUSION: Purchase your copy HARDBACK or PAPERBACK. #freepdfs #derekbeaulieu #nonultraplus If you follow Derek Beaulieu on social media sites, then you will want to study as much of his visual and concrete poetry as you can get your hands on. Including: Brevflodslette (2021). There are many writers included in this batch, so let's get to studying. Conclusion: Check out Archive | non-plus-ultra.dk Brevflodslette is a concrete poem made with Letraset by Derek Beaulieu. A6 leporello publication printed on 250 gsm recycled paper. Edition of 48 copies. Published by Non Plus Ultra, 2021." #freepdfs #timglaset If you like to study and like it to come at a huge bargain, here is a delightful batch of free pdfs. Conclusion: GET FREE PDF:S We strive to make free pdf:s available of all Timglaset books and zines that have gone out of print. Please be welcome to feast on these."
#anthology #trickhousepres #danpower
The Annual is here! And it is already part of the National Poetry Library Catalogue (along with entire collection of Trickhouse Press books). Conclusion: Limited edition. Follow Dan Power on social media site. Become a trickster. Click button to purchase. The inaugural Trickhouse Press annual is a wide-ranging and forward-thinking compendium of work, showcasing the most exciting visual poetry in the UK and beyond. It's a collection of collections, each displayed on glossy, full-colour A4 pages.
My continuing Ash Poetry Zodiac series will get another installation in 2022. Special Thanks to FOTM and ang(st) for publsihing my ash poetry. Soon-to-Follow: Year of the Tiger. Conclusion: No doubt the series will continue to focus on our demo-crazy. #airportexhibition #unitingus #eatthestorms #damienbdonnelly
Flight from Dulles offers a moment of artistic excitement! Art on display at Concourse A (near train station). Check out the whole show on Youtube. Flight landed at LAX and then later on (during Rose Parade) Eat the Storms Poetry Podcast (produced and hosted by Damien B. Donnelly) aired poetry from my guest spot on the podcast. Conclusion: What a fab way to start out a new year. Special Thanks to Dulles International Airport, the volunteers of UnitingUS.org, and Damien for sharing veterans' stories. #Thai สวดมนต์ข้ามปี
New Year's Eve traditions usually include merrymaking into the wee hours of the morning. This year, however, social-distancing restrictions and a new omicron variant meant we opted to listen and learn a new way to show appreciation to the blessings of a new year. My Mother-in-law spent hours chanting from approximately 8PM to well past midnight. To learn more, visit: "Suad mon kham pee" - Thailand’s Unique New Year’s Eve Celebration - Thailand Foundation Conclusion: Here are some highlights from our visit to the Wat Thai in Los Angeles eating and giving blessings for the New Year and Year of the Tiger. |
Welcome to my literature, music, and visual poetry project. My blog represents a method for deciphering the fragments left behind in the Anthropocene. Writers use ashes as a metaphorical device in storytelling. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism of ashes? Archaeological fragments of tablet, papyrus, bone, scroll, and pottery are recognizable the world over. In our digital era, however, our lost folkloric works disintegrate into dust. In this sense, I consume the silver flakes and use my he{art] as a vessel to rise from dystopic wastelands. I share lore through the oral tradition. Ashes to Ashes we continue on ∞ to infinity ∞ We are ash. We are stories. We are star dust. We are eternal.
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January 2025