Welcome to an all-consuming art space where flames decipher ash poetics floating in our charred Anthropocene. I AM an ash poet. I AM stardust.
Margaret Viboolsittiseri (Maggs Vibo) is an American author, scholar, veteran, and artist enchanted with folklore studies lurking in the fringes. The books she's contributed to are published by micro presses, independent bookshops, or sold worldwide at bookstores like: Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Target, and Waterstones.
Vibo's latest art project is at Dulles International Art Gallery through 2027. Vibo partners with the US Department of Veterans Affairs as an OHE Fellow and Scholar helping to curate a national online Veteran Health Equity Art Gallery. Additionally, she is honored to be a speaker/presenter for a class taught in the Paris College of Art and SciencePo by Advanced English Creative Writing Professor Malik Ameer Crumpler featuring in the FALL 2024 term (SYLLABUS).
Past art projects were at the the 95th Annual Juried Exhibition at Honolulu Printmakers, the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Washington, DC., an art show at L'Air Arts in Atelier 11 at Cité Falguière, Paris, FR, and an artist showcase at The Library of Congress. View albums inside (HERSTORY) or study (EXTENDED PROJECTS LIST) where you can learn more about her work as a Uniting Us artist. Vibo's pieces are housed in the National Poetry Library, Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre, the Scottish Public Library, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), the Poetry Archive, the New York Public Library, Poets & Writers and IAMB Poetry. Click to view her interview, read her Author Profile, or subscribe to her fire rituals (BLOG).
Vibo's art orients towards poetic experimentation within many theoretical frameworks. Her meditative practice emphasizes burning text into ash poetry (see Ashes to Ashes available in pluriversalis at Paper View Independent Publishing). Her art creeps within the fringes where folk and gothic horror intersect to challenge science, religion, history, and cultural studies. She works beyond ancient warrior tropes to create multifaceted antiwar antiheroine lore and stories that act as a vessel of séance or reliquary. Study her ongoing treatise of art to learn more (ARTIST STATEMENT).
"...I approached the light, but the light was scorching hot to me..."
Quoted in The Exaltation of Inana
List sampling of some of the international and national partnerships which help artists, veterans, and writers, For more information, see {EXTENDED PROJECTS}.