The inspiration for this poem was compliments of The Babel Tower Notice Board. Maggs Vibo's special letter (See attached visual poem) is the consonant that is closest to a letter G in the English Alphabet. The easiest way to remember this letter is to think of a chicken (Pronounced Gai or Guy) *Think of favorite Thai Soup Dish Tom Kha Gai. The letter resembles a chicken, and this is how all the exercises help with memorization. Just like with the recipe for the coconut soup dish, practice yields a better result. You can chop up pork and toss it into the pot, or you can knead egg whites into the meat (one way is easier, but it won't taste as yummy). You can find substitutes to the meat altogether and use creative ways to bring out the lime flavor of the kaffir leaves (by tearing a section of each leaf). You can just dump in some brown sugar, or you can find palm sugar and use a grater (bringing out the sweetness). These are just some of the tricks. Depending on the type of learner you are, makes all the difference to the outcome. The best results require an astute attention to details. At the Wat Buddha Bucha, in Decatur, GA the monks and volunteers teach Thai lessons to anyone willing to learn (photo: Maggs & Panida Vibo). Nowadays, there are brilliant online lessons. Conclusion: Folk art is the method we've used to transport our knowledge in the oral tradition. Songs and tales (word play and association) helped us speak, create an alphabet, and spread our stories year after year. *Humming the alphabet song. #NakedPoetry #davidonan #feversofthemindpoetry In this poem, I draw on the pandemic (rules of staying 6 feet apart or the challenges with lockdowns) and a poem by Robert Graves in consideration with other art installations which work with the language of nudity. Special thanks to David O'Nan and Hillesha O'Nan for publishing my poems and encouraging me to submit the pieces which speak to me. Conclusion: Link provided to study the myths surrounding art. Naked Romulus and Remus at Milesgården Couldn't nurse from 6' away And at the Vigeland, an obelisk Projects a naked that we stave Of honest and stark attitudes—Or maybe instead Projecting nude? As Graves surmised, we get confused And so we sit At physical length Listening to plans Tongue-in-cheek Of isolated workouts Job burnout And economic turnout A rawness and Honesty Like a Belvedere torso Romulus and Remus. By Giulio Romano, Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0
#covid19 Another poem about these moments. Mother Tongue on YouTube. Conclusion: Folklore values and dangers during a global pandemic are an ongoing conversation and field of study as we fight the horrifying situation playing out worldwide. Vir-US Band together with lifted voices to say our farewells & goodbyes No time To be shy or embarrassed Show affection Love be our protection We are alive...for now Somehow, that statement brings truth to bear As in places surviving the flu Cover your innocence in blue Like the scrubs they'll wear when they intubate you Resuscitate you Crowds gather and gasp as you fall A broken system Which punishes all Begs no more... We can't breathe for sure. We are dying. We are crying SURGING...100, 200, 300, Climbing The Chronicling Culture in Crisis series features individuals and their communities as they use their traditions and creativity to respond not only to the public health crisis but also economic uncertainty, structural racism, and climate change" #energy
Today, it's all about interstellar energy. Conclusion: "Forming Energy" is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo, 2021.
Today (April 25th) is ANZAC Day. The Crater Battle is a reference to the infamous Battle of the Crater (on July 30th 1864). Hill 60 is a reference to a "low rise in the foothills on the north-western end of ANZAC together will supporting offensive against the W Hills represented the last major Allied offensive operation on the Peninsula." A Crouching Beast refers to Hill 937 aka Hamburger Hill or known locally as Dong Ap Bia ("the mountain of the crouching beast") during the Vietnam conflict. Hill 400, aka Castle Hill, was a strategic position in the Hürtgen forest (1KM from Bergstein, Germany). During the winter of 1944-45, a combination of bad weather, thick forest, and steep slopes resulted in its transformation of the environment. All of these positions were known as places of "living hell" for all involved. Conclusion: "Crater of Doom" is a war poem.
Crater of Doom
It's a funny thing To pray through death to catch your breath wanna rest or Chippewa chant Can't breathe Chest heaves Through a straw and Saw You did it all While they sat and Watched in awe One hundred degree temps, OPTEMPO & OPSEC Feel like a wreck And the wreckage is age and experience Gas in cheap this week, but the streets are empty And green tea isn't helping unsee Be oblivious to a buildup in the South China Sea Or what 2ID carries On their hips This time we'll get whipped, a U.S. Grant Chant. Sing. Dearest God, We need our jobs So much Like a FOB, but ill will Could still kill My chance for an avalanche to wipe me clean Off this 60th Hill, but remember me from Gallipoli Bergstein or a Crouching Beast At Petersburg...blown to bits When the shock from it and thrill is gone, I am Long overdue for a rescue or a grand display from Decatur Dorsey But they hate you For making us go through this again Can't catch a breath, if we are always leading The Charge Going into a Crater of Doom Do you know the Greek myth of the Crow, Cup and water snake? If so, you are on the way to understanding the meaning of the poem." #cop26
Today, let's talk about COP26. This visual poem is a response to a poetry film by Yon Kin. Rebellions have existed throughout mythology. To learn more about Set and ancient Egyptian Rebellions, click the link or watch the video. Conclusion: This is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo. Rebel with art voice. #prompts #richardcapener #babeltower #hempress #napowrimo
DETAILS: Let's talk about Earth Day. Richard Capener of The Babel Tower Notice Board retweeted my offering for *NaPoWriMo. His Twitter writing prompt was to use predictive text. I typed dying and "dying earth" was the predictive text. I took the headlines of 5 articles and then reworked the piece into the visual poem. Conclusion: *Update: TBTNB is closed. #upfromsumdirt
My continuing art blog. Check out this artist's website: upfromsumdirt.com CONCLUSION: Follow me @maggsvibo.com to learn about my art experiments. #semicolon
Introducing "A Love Letter to Me" by Maggs Vibo. A visual poem about the semi colon and mental health. A nod to work by Gary Barwin and others. When we think of death by suicide in folklore and art, it brings out very specific imagery. Some of it older (like the 1721 Love Suicides Play) and some of it newer (like the Semicolon Movement). Conclusion: "A Love Letter to Me" is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo, 2021. To read, visit Ice Floe Press. #tea #lessonsintead
It's National Tea Day in the UK. Paul Brookes of Wombwell Rainbow thought it fitting to accept my rooibos tea poem. This is a #pandemicpoetry creation so there is talk in it of Covid-19, mask-wearing, and a sense that (away from imagination) all color fades to grey. There was a time when television programs ended each night and left behind a static screen (Vibo uses that imagery in her visual poem). The folklore of tea goes back centuries. Certainly, the most popular tea party involves a white rabbit, but the tea story is so much more diverse that just one party. Be sure to watch the TED-Ed Video provided to learn about tea folklore. Conclusion: "Static Screen" is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo, 2021 (also available at Wombwell Rainbow). #awwstruck #poematlas #astrapapachristodoulou CUTENESS in AWW-STRUCK: Creative and Critical Approaches to Cuteness + Poem Atlas Object Poetry Exhibition debut. Conclusion: "Enchanted Poetry Egg" is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo the AWW-STRUCK Exhibition for Poem Atlas on 21 MAY 2021 at 1535. I was reintroduced to Cute Studies while teaching science education in Honolulu, HI. It was at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, that the "Meet Doraemon Exhibition" premiered in the United States. I visited Tokyo, Sapporro, Yamanouchi, Minobo and elsewhere in Japan to learn more. #whitedoe
For this exercise, I merge within folklore to create self-portrait poem lore. For me, this exercise is part of the mystery of totem and a bit of the will-o-the-wisp lore. Conclusion: This is a continuation of my black and white color series. "I Am Lore" is a nod to the photo SJ Fowler uses on his Twitter account with a merging of a bear and his face. #egg
I've used eggs throughout all of my art over the years. In fact, if you would like to see proof, be sure to sign up for the AWW-STRUCK exhibition [see Art Exhibitions for more details]. Or watch a quick YouTube on the importance of the egg in art. Conclusion: "I AM Egg" is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo, 2021. #bats #paulbrookes #wombwellrainbow #manananggal
Art inspired by a writing prompt by Paul Brookes of Wombwell Rainbow website. To learn more about Paul, follow his Twitter @Pauldragonwolf1. To learn a little Bat Folklore, be sure to watch the Monstrum video about the MANANANGGAL: meaning to remove or separate. Special Thanks to Paul Brookes of the Wombwell Rainbow for posting my rando poetry over the years. Conclusion: "BatAppreciationDay" is a visual poem by Maggs Vibo 2021. #faust
Working with themes in #Faust and #geometric patterns in this poetic exercise. Conclusion: "Sorrowfoolology" a visual poem created by Maggs Vibo in 2021.
Interests began while at Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, and visits to many bone collection sites. Conclusion: Zooarchaeology Lore by Maggs Vibo, 2021. They tell us about human cultural practices such as hunting, fishing, cooking, technology, clothing and ornamentation, social interactions, religious practices, and much more. They help fill in the story of human lifeways for the long expanse of time prior to the written record." #milspoblog
My continuing art blog about warrior lore. Here is a livestream to learn more. CONCLUSION: Follow me @maggsvibo.com to learn about my art experiments.
For this poem, I work within the culture of my extended family: Thai Chinese American. Conclusion: This is a continuation of my Chinese Zodiac poetry. The poem works with the folklore of the Chinese Zodiac Series. The poem stays within the confines of a black and white color scheme, works to create a maze and use geometric patterns as a form of constraint-based visual poetry. Ox Maze by Maggs Vibo, 2021.
To learn more about the Myth of the Chinese Zodiac, please click the TED ED video:
To view the other Zodiac Visual Poems by Maggs Vibo, be sure to click the buttons:
#whitedoe She lives in the woods by my house. Conclusion: Songkran is today, and this white doe piece is a continuation of the black and white series of visual poetry by Maggs Vibo, 2021. A Meditative Spirit A blue jay swoops From the branches of an Eastern Red Cedar Knocking berries to the ground A formation of geese honk As they cross the James A cool breeze wrestles the remaining Ochre from the branches of a ginkgo Atop the highest branch, a goldfinch sits Perched above my view Suddenly, a spirit from the forest Moves a branch on a Japanese maple She is albino and perhaps of Chickasaw origins Entranced by her appearance I dare not move, breathe, blink I am convinced She is not real But she reveals to me A true magic as a Totem Captivating my imagination She is sacred Protected, mythological, legendary And adored From the moment our eyes Lock A poem by Maggs Vibo, 2020 Cotton, S. S. (2009) Vibo's Erasure based from the Prologue of The White Doe the Fate of Virginia Dare an Indian Legend. Hardpress Publishing.
This is a poem entitled "Prudence of Anguish" is by David L O'Nan. Maggs Vibo added a little visual mystery in an impromptu Twitter collab because that is what artists do. She added some of the words from his poem into the image. Vibo told O'Nan that she would share another vision/version of the White Doe as a visual poem on the 13th in honor of Songkran (see keep an eye out). Conclusion: To see David's stunning piece, visit: #vispo #forfun
This is a cat poem and part of a black and white series of visual poems by Maggs Vibo. The cat, Persephone, is a furry companion to Dans le lune. Dans and Vibo collaborated on isolation creations at the start of the pandemic. Conclusion: To see the poem, visit: The Wombwell Rainbow by artist, Paul Brookes: #bots Philosophy in bot tech. Conclusion: VR AI Robot Philosophers
We are the robot poets to the people of the future For they will never know our personal struggles Yet, they will interpret our computer-generated voices art Answer the what, when, where, and maybe why of our questioning Certainly, not who ...for who are we? Who am I? If we don't know who we are They never will Poem by Maggs Vibo, 2020 #rockpoetry #9 is defined as the anthropomorphic version of a poem as seen as a rock star. Conclusion: View examples of poetry as Rock Music: Video 1, BOWIE, Prince, Doves. My favorite poetry feels like a rock concert LOUD in your face hedonistic, guttural, rebellious spon taneo us sweaty Breaks a p art the stage sings of dissent Poem by M. Vibo, 2021 Oftentimes, the work of poets and artists are described as being made from occult folklore, magic or voodoo. People are fearful of going to Hell. Life without art is the very definition." #pandemic The squares in Savannah are haunted and for good reasons. Conclusion: The poem touches on the ghosts of those we've lost to Covid. Static Screen I always take rooibos with milk and honey a calm swallow soothes my throat unstiffening my toes helping walk a straight path Twice, I tripped along the way into my office The mask string unbalancing my act to remain cool and collected after meeting their ghosts regrounding thinking of the flowers inside the vase back in Savannah springing colors. Wisps from the garden then, thoughts of Asian Murder Hornets stinging my face mass killings of millions of bees, of honey, of hope sabotaging simple pleasures in a cup which runneth over with horrors of head lines going out of the way to sell doom gloom I pilf the switch inside my office drifting thoughts back at home which explodes with colors and a tiny bowl of fruit. Juicy "Virus gossip" whispers a coworker. The plums tumbling I am back in this grey painting betraying worries of whether or not I squeezed enough sticky alcohol onto my chaffed and worn hands the smell is putrid numbing my brain fading to black and white and finally glowing at Whitefield Poem by Maggs Vibo, 2020 An invisible sickness was spreading throughout the buildings. Always my mind returned to Savannah and the history surrounding the Yellow Fever which infected many lives. The folk horror and many haunted locations in Savannah stay within" |
Welcome to my literature, music, and visual poetry project. My blog represents a method for deciphering the fragments left behind in the Anthropocene. Writers use ashes as a metaphorical device in storytelling. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism of ashes? Archaeological fragments of tablet, papyrus, bone, scroll, and pottery are recognizable the world over. In our digital era, however, our lost folkloric works disintegrate into dust. In this sense, I consume the silver flakes and use my he{art] as a vessel to rise from dystopic wastelands. I share lore through the oral tradition. Ashes to Ashes we continue on ∞ to infinity ∞ We are ash. We are stories. We are star dust. We are eternal.
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February 2025