2021 – 2027, Featured artist in the Women's History: Honoring Women's Military Contributions, Veterans Vernacular, curated by UnitingUs.org, hosted by Dulles International Airport. This multi-year exhibition features visual poetry poetry by Vibo at Gate A of Dulles International Airport (DIA), DULLES, VA.
2023 - 2027, Vibo's art is in the Capturing Calm Exhibition at C/D Gates as part of a larger mural project, organized by curated by UnitingUs.org, hosted by Dulles International Airport. In addition, Vibo's visual poetry at the Veterans Vernacular Creative Writing Exhibition is at A Gate, curated by UnitingUs.org, presented by Leidos.
When you put a piece of art up at Dulles International Airport (DIA), 25 Million people go through DIA in a year. So you have 80 people that created community artwork that is now exhibited at DIA. And so of course the embassy people fly through Dulles all the time because they are coming in and out of Washington, DC., and our participants also do, and then everyone else who comes in and out of that airport gets an opportunity to see the perspective, and, in this case, it was about uniting the world through art." |
2023 - 2027, Vibo's art is in the Capturing Calm Exhibition at C/D Gates as part of a larger "Love and Peace" and "Fear and War" mural for the World Wide Art Project, created by Jolanda Aucott, curated by UnitingUs.org, and hosted by Dulles and Reagan International Airport. In addition, Vibo's visual poetry at the Veterans Vernacular Creative Writing Exhibition is at A Gate, curated by UnitingUs.org, sponsored by Leidos (see above). Special thanks to
Uniting Us 501(3)(c) provides a calm space at Dulles International Airport.
A new art exhibit called Capturing Calm invites air travelers to de-stress within a busy terminal of Reagan National Airport.
The exhibit, organized by Uniting US and sponsored by Leidos, features paintings by U.S. military veterans curated to help alleviate the anxiety often experienced within busy airports.
Why you should know: Air travelers have faced a number of headaches recently including over the holidays, when extreme weather caused a surge of delays, cancellations, long lines and misplaced luggage.
AnnMarie Halterman, Uniting US Executive Director, said Capturing Calm is about bringing beauty and joy to others in an unexpected place and giving military veterans an outlet to express themselves.
From the source: “Airports are notoriously stressful places,” says Halterman. “Capturing Calm transforms these hectic environments to a balanced ambiance for travelers through images of hope, wellness and unity. We hope to help people relax in a space that can be very triggering and stressful. It’s amazing how peaceful these areas are now, and how different they are from the rest of the airport.”
Daniel Pellegrom, Leidos Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Director, said the partnership has an added layer of significance because its artists have served in the military or belong to military families.
From the source: “The most exciting thing about this partnership to me is how well the Uniting US culture aligns with the Leidos corporate culture,” says Pellegrom. “Both organizations value mental health, stronger communities and honoring military service, all things we’re celebrating with Capturing Calm.”
Looking ahead: Halterman said a similar exhibit will open at Dulles International Airport later this spring, with plans to expand to Heathrow Airport later this year."
Quote by AnnMarie Haltermann
Director and Co-Founder of unitingus.org
Special Thanks to the supporters and sponsors, including Leidos, Cision, Arch Development, Honfleur Gallery, the Heart J. Center at Sylvan Dale Ranch, and many more behind the scenes.