#nye #newyearseve #superstitions
DETAILS: Throughout the globe, many cultures believe that their New Year results are tied to magical thoughts or foods. Take a look at the video and comment about any traditions you and your family completely believe or (partake in just to be on the safe side). #kmtv3omaha #homefortheholidays #christmastv #choir #showchoir
DETAILS: From 1990 - 1992, Vibo was filmed with her hometown choir for the annual Christmas Special on Channel 3. #yulestruly #yulecat #icelandicfolkhorror #murderfloof #gryla #merrychristmaseveeve #Jólakötturinn
DETAILS: Legend says the Yule Cat is from a family of trolls in Icelandic folklore. Here about their familiar apparel and famous Mom. Does the #13 find its way into this storytelling? Sure does. Be sure to watch the episode of Monstrum to learn more. Poet Jóhannes úr Kötlum published his poetry collection Jólin koma 'Christmas is Coming'. One of the poems, Jólakötturinn, centered on a man-eating monster The establishment of the Yule cat is part of classic Icelandic Christmas folklore from 1932, when the Yule cat became part of the classic Icelandic Christmas folklore from 1932 onward (and is still known today). #yulestruly #solsticemonster #kallikantzaros
DETAILS: Destroying the world might feel like a modern construct, but it is actually quite an old notion. As you ponder the state of the world, remember to breathe and consider all the holidays which have passed before the 2024 holiday season. #mellatthitham #milanviboolsittiseri DETAILS: Check out a really fun art exhibition by Mel Latthitham and Milan Viboolsittiseri in honor of Military Family Appreciation Month. Link: Veteran Health Equity Art Gallery - Office of Health Equity I want to highlight the Office of Health Equity online art exhibition which features the art of two #military family members! I am proud to introduce the artwork of Mel Latthitham and her son, Milan Viboolsittiseri. You can see this dynamic Mother & Son artist duo over at @sweetbonnypdx on Instagram and Etsy. In the album above you will see a photo of CW5 Wattana Viboolsittiseri, serving his 29th year in the Army, next to his cousin, Milan (wearing a camouflage hoodie). Mel and Milan's national online exhibition is featured with the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Health Equity gallery from NOV 2024 and into the New Year of 2025. I am thrilled to see their art on windows, apparel, textiles, buttons, plush creations and more! Bravo, Mel and Milan! Special thanks to Lauren Korshak for curating this exhibition and for all you do to support #veterans, military service personnel, and our #militaryfamilies. LINKS: Click link to see all of their art in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs OHE Click for Mel's blog at Flare Art Click for Instagram Click for Etsy Click for fabric designs at Spoonflower Click for online gift shop at Zazzle DETAILS: "Veteran Health Equity Art Gallery The Office of Health Equity has asked artists who have connections to the military to help visualize the military experience, social justice, and what health equity for all Veterans might look like. This gallery grew out of Office of Health Equity’s Health Equity Action Plan efforts to increase awareness of the significance of health disparities, their impact on the nation, and the actions necessary to improve health outcomes for racial, ethnic, and underserved populations. Current Exhibition: Showcasing Military Family Artists This project presents the work of two artists who are family members of individuals that have longstanding careers serving their country in the United States Army and continued service to the Veterans they served with. Mel Latthitham and Milan Viboolsittiseri are Portland artists. They are also family members of individuals that have longstanding careers serving their country in the United States Army and continued service to the Veterans they served with. Mel is a caregiver who creates textile prints, stuffed animals, and magnets. Her equally talented son, Milan, is also a regular in the Portland handmade artisanal art scene. Milan's hand-drawn creations are featured on computer stickers, postcards, and buttons. The family blends all their creative energy into holistic art projects that engage nature, art, and exercise." Photo Album of artist Mel Latthitham and Milan Viboolsittiseri, with their creative works, courtesy of Mel Latthitham. #middlewestpress #stockingstuffer #giftgiving
DETAILS: Need that perfect gift for the veterans and service members in your life? Look no further than books from Middle West Press. Santa knows what's up and now you do too. LINK: Things We Carry Still: Poems & Micro-Stories About Military Gear: Brown, Randy, Stice, Lisa, Hudson, Vicki: 9781953665256: Amazon.com: Books #trickhousepress #danpower #2022annual
DETAILS: Many thanks indeed to EIC Dan Power for organizing to have the "2022 Annual" on sale at the Christmas Poetry Pamphlet Fair, hosted by the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Get your copy here: 2022 Annual | Trickhouse Press. |
Welcome to my literature, music, and visual poetry project. My blog represents a method for deciphering the fragments left behind in the Anthropocene. Writers use ashes as a metaphorical device in storytelling. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism of ashes? Archaeological fragments of tablet, papyrus, bone, scroll, and pottery are recognizable the world over. In our digital era, however, our lost folkloric works disintegrate into dust. In this sense, I consume the silver flakes and use my he{art] as a vessel to rise from dystopic wastelands. I share lore through the oral tradition. Ashes to Ashes we continue on ∞ to infinity ∞ We are ash. We are stories. We are star dust. We are eternal.
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January 2025