#bridgegallery #ashpoetry #maggsvibo
DETAILS: So happy to have 5 pieces of art included in the Bridge Gallery exhibition which will run through 12 May 2025. If you are in Littleton, Colorado, be sure to check out all the art related to their Health Care Injustice art exhibition. Special Thanks to Denver Seminary, Jael Shumaker, and Christy Grosvenor for organizing and curating along with The Gospel Initiative and Denver Seminary Student Life. DETAILS: "Healthy living in the United States remains deeply unequal, with racial and economic disparities persisting in healthcare. While mental health awareness is growing, solutions are still scarce amid a widespread loneliness epidemic. Join us at the Bridge Gallery Art Exhibit, presented by The Bridge Gallery and The Gospel Initiative, where visual arts offer a powerful lens into healthcare injustice. This thought-provoking collection tackles critical questions such as: -What role does Christian witness play in healthcare justice? -What does a healthy life truly look like? -How can healthcare professionals drive change while avoiding burnout? Engage with diverse artists and their compelling works in this immersive, conversation-driven experience." #dunoonMOCA #eattherich #maggsvibo
DEATILS: Thank you to @dunoon_moca_ for inclusion of my visual poem "Eat the Rich" in the pop-up art exhibition coordinated with the January 20th inaugural events for ARTIST PROTEST In Words & Images. Art is in response to the oligarchy of Tech Titans feeding American Politics. To see the poem in its entirety, please visit maggsvibo.com #dunoonmoca #protestart
DETAILS: Many thanks to Dunoon Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) for including my art in the pop-up art exhibition coordinated with inaugural events for ARTIST PROTEST In Words & Images. More to Follow! Stay Tuned! #thebridgegallery #maggsvibo #ashpoetry DETAILS: Thank you to Jael Shumaker and Christy Grosvenor for inquiring about my OHE art and for the notification that 5 of my artworks were jury selected for the January – May Art exhibition. I hope the discussions amongst students and the public work within the scope of the mission of The Bridge Gallery. I am happy to see leaders in Littleton, CO, continue to learn, engage, and heal our American communities after tragedies. It is always the hope that art can be the bridge for important topics. Using the themes of Cave, Rest, Journey, and Tightrope, we want to showcase how art highlights the deep differences that remain in healthcare along racial and economic lines. Mental health needs are more widely acknowledged than ever before, yet solutions and treatments remain elusive amidst an epidemic of loneliness. What does it take to bring healing and hope to such a tragic situation? How does a Christian witness relate to justice in healthcare? How might healthcare professionals work for change in this arena while avoiding the ironically unhealthy outcome of burnout? For those outside of the healthcare industry, what is our role in living a healthy lifestyle and in encouraging a more just healthcare policy? Join us as we discuss these topics and more. #monicasjöö #feministstudies DETAILS: It is my hope to continue to share feminist icons in my blog postings, especially those involved in art. I can think of no better way than to feature: Monica Sjöö. Please watch the video and look forward to more stories and resource links in the coming year. Leave a comment! To me, Sjöö's work embodies everything I want to accomplish (and will fail to accomplish) in a lifetime. I read her book early in my academic journey... stumbled upon her The Great Cosmic Mother and absolutely could not put it down (and probably never will). It was the basis of my exploration throughout my Capstone and has been a guiding text during in key feminist moments in my life. I consider myself a world traveler and throughout these journeys, Sjöö's research is solidified as the truth to all our great mysteries. #folkhorror
DETAILS: Check out this video and leave a comment. References by the content creator: "Supernatural Horror in Literature" by H.P. Lovecraft "Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life" by Ruth Franklin "The Author Who Inspired the Wicker Man" by Will Gore (The Guardian) [https://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/l...] "The Witch-Cult in Western Europe" by Margaret Murray Films/Literature/Events referenced: Children of the Stones (1975) The Wicker Man (1973) The World of Stonehenge (2018) The Reddening by Adam Nevill The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad by Jiří Dynda |
Welcome to my literature, music, and visual poetry project. My blog represents a method for deciphering the fragments left behind in the Anthropocene. Writers use ashes as a metaphorical device in storytelling. Have you ever wondered about the symbolism of ashes? Archaeological fragments of tablet, papyrus, bone, scroll, and pottery are recognizable the world over. In our digital era, however, our lost folkloric works disintegrate into dust. In this sense, I consume the silver flakes and use my he{art] as a vessel to rise from dystopic wastelands. I share lore through the oral tradition. Ashes to Ashes we continue on ∞ to infinity ∞ We are ash. We are stories. We are star dust. We are eternal.
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February 2025